
Minor Changes and Upgrades for Fire Safety Compliance Sake Should not be Overlooked

18 September 2019

Even small-scale changes and upgrades in fire safety measures, methods and equipment require attention from property owners throughout New South Wales today. Current fire safety regulations require that every building’s fire prevention and safety systems be fully serviced and maintained on a regular schedule to ensure that they meet fire safety compliance regulations.

If you own a commercial or dual-purpose building in NSW that houses companies performing active business, you must provide adequate protection for the owners, officers and employees of these companies as well as their furnishings, equipment and any product inventories. You are required to ensure that updated, fully-functioning fire safety equipment is installed and maintained in your building at all times.

By engaging the expert services of a qualified fire safety consultancy operated by experienced fire safety practitioners, you can receive professional advice and guidance for ensuring that your commercial building is completely fire safety compliant. Your fire safety consultant will perform an inspection and audit of your building premises to determine its current level of fire safety protection.

If any upgrades or repairs of your building’s fire safety measures and equipment are needed, your fire safety practitioner can recommend the best suppliers, installers and repair services for making your building fire safety compliant.

Minor Improvements and Upgrades that Need Attention for Ensuring Fire Safety Compliance

Some minor building improvements and upgrades that must not be overlooked to ensure that the premises meet all NSW fire safety compliance regulations include the following:

• Emergency Lighting and Exit Signs. Some busy building owners may concentrate on keeping fire detectors and fire alarm systems in good working order while overlooking the upkeep of emergency lighting systems and exit signs. Unfortunately, unless all of this fire protection equipment is in optimal working order, a commercial building can be at serious risk for the outbreak and spread of a serious and dangerous fire.

• Fire Sprinkler Systems. Essential fire prevention sprinkler systems are often neglected, increasing the chances of their malfunction if a building fire should occur. Sprinkler networks throughout a building should be inspected regularly to ensure that they will function quickly and efficiently at the first sign of smoke and fire in a building interior.

• Fire Doors. Approved fire doors in buildings must have frames with air-tight sealing to prevent any drafts if a fire should occur. Even small cracks between these doors and their frames can result in drafts of air from outdoors that can cause even a small fire to swell and spread rapidly in a building interior.

By contacting the fire safety compliance consultancy of Key Compliance located in Kogarah, NSW, you will receive ultimate quality advice concerning all aspects of NSW fire safety compliance for your commercial building. Principal Consultant and fire safety practitioner, Dennis Lyons, along with our expert staff will also schedule a fire safety inspection and audit of your building premises to ensure its compliance with all fire safety regulations.

If updates or replacements of any of your fire safety measures and equipment are needed, our experts will recommend the best professional services for performing these repairs or replacements to ensure that your property is completely compliant with all NSW fire safety requirements.